Object of the Month

“A barren island with hardly a house upon it”: Nineteenth Century Hong Kong

Harbor at Hong Kong Oil on canvas mounted on aluminum

Harbor at Hong Kong

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[ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, the British foreign secretary in 1841, 1839年至1842年鸦片战争(第一次英中战争)期间,英国皇家海军从中国手中夺取了香港,令人难忘的是,他轻蔑地将香港描述为“几乎没有房子的荒岛”。. If not a “barren island,” Hong Kong had been a relatively quiet site of fishing, salt production, 盗版, and illicit trade up until then; the excellent harbor had become an anchorage for British and American opium traders in the 1830s.

The cession of Hong Kong in the Treaty of Nanjing, signed on 29 August 1842, 结束了鸦片战争,有效地结束了经广州的中国贸易, unalterably changed the history of the “barren island.” The island city rapidly expanded, numbering 33,000 inhabitants by 1851. This painting, from the early period of expansion, and a companion view of the harbor of Macao 麻萨诸塞州历史学会的藏品都归Lam Qua(或Lamqua)所有。, 这是一个以欧洲或“西方”风格绘画的广东艺术家家族三代人使用的工作室名称.

The Memory of the Opium War—and the rise of Hong Kong

在中国,鸦片战争的记忆是一个民族衰落和屈辱的故事. Over three years, the Chinese government was defeated in a series of intermittent, 但 bloody engagements and finally forced to open ports and cede land, including Hong Kong, to Great Britain, 所有这一切——正如中国人和许多西方同情者所看到的——都是为了保护非法行为, 但 enormously profitable opium trade making China a nation of drug addicts. British merchants, and in their wake American ship captains and traders, saw their role as supplying the large demand for opium in China, and moved their operations from Canton to Hong Kong. 结束鸦片战争的条约批准了对香港的占领,这是随后与入侵的外国势力签订的许多“不平等条约”中的第一个. 香港成为一个繁荣的贸易中心,被认为是西方不受约束的商业典范, 但, for more than 150 years, in China a symbol of foreign exploitation.

The Massachusetts Historical Society enters the fray

In the fall of 1841, 74-year-old John Quincy Adams, a former U.S. president then a representative from Massachusetts in Congress, 同意代表马萨诸塞州历史学会在波士顿做一次公开演讲. Since 1802, Adams had been, when his diplomatic and political career allowed it, an active member of the MHS. 他的演讲是一系列美国历史讲座的第一次,这些讲座旨在为历史学会筹集资金, 亚当斯选择了当时正在进行中的英中冲突——鸦片战争作为他的主题.

同年早些时候,亚当斯在美国联邦最高法院做了著名的辩护 友谊 captives—Africans who had been illegally kidnapped and sold as slaves in Cuba. On 22 November 1841, his audience at the Masonic Temple in Boston, “crowded to overflowing,” probably expected to hear another attack on slavery by “Old Man Eloquent,” 但 they were in for a surprise. 亚当斯开始为英国政府处理对华关系的行为进行有力辩护, denying that the illegal opium trade was the cause of the 战争. 他认为,中国政府“不承认这样的(国际)法”,它是“世袭的”, 父权专制”通过要求“Ko-tow”——“野蛮”国家的代表完全服从中国的霸权——使正常的外交关系变得不可能,从而引发了冲突.

In recording the events of 22 November in his diary, 约翰·昆西·亚当斯(John Quincy Adams)表示,他的演讲“没有表现出不赞成”,这让他松了一口气,“尽管它与这个国家强烈的民意潮流背道而驰,并将被政治对手毫不留情地处理。.——约翰·G. Palfrey, the editor of the Boston-based North American 审查, originally had suggested that John Quincy Adams write an article for the 审查 about the conflict between China and Great Britain, 但当亚当斯把他og体育平台英国拥有“正义事业”的论点的手稿转交给他时,他显然吃了一惊.“帕尔弗里, 谁质疑中国政府的“反社会和自私”政策是否为英国的军事行动提供了理由, prevaricated, knowing that Adams was about to return to Washington.

John Quincy Adams’s address never appeared in the North American 审查1841年12月4日,在未经他允许的情况下,《og体育平台》(the Quarto 概念, George Roberts’s Boston literary newspaper. Even that excerpt of the talk took up three entire pages of the 概念, concluding with what Adams described as the “monitory lesson, written upon a beam of phosphoric light—of preparation for 战争 and preservation of 和平.”

China Trade materials at the Massachusetts Historical Society

不久之后,收购了之前由弥尔顿美中贸易博物馆收藏的重要手稿, Massachusetts, Katherine H. 格里芬整理了一份马萨诸塞州历史学会相关馆藏的概述, “美中贸易手稿,马萨诸塞州历史学会”, Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, v. 100 (Boston, 1988), 128-139.

通过搜索可以找到历史学会中国贸易馆藏的最新信息 collection guides (手稿和照片收集说明和清单)和历史协会的在线目录, 阿比盖尔,为… phrase “China trade.”

Further reading

Adams, John Quincy. The Diaries of John Quincy Adams: Digital Resources

约翰·昆西·亚当斯的这本超长日记从未完整出版过, 尽管现在正在进行一个项目,以编制一个完整的在线版本,经过验证和可搜索的转录. (见 The John Quincy Adams Digital Diary for transcriptions of entries from September 1817-December 1829; with more transcriptons forthcoming.有一个在线数字收藏,展示了整个日记(51卷)的数字副本。, which is quite legible until the very last years of Adams’s long life. (见 The Diaries of John Quincy Adams: A Digital Collection; this website has a date search tool and browse options for all volumes, 1779-1848.亚当斯论文数字版包括前10年日记的经过验证的转录. (看到 Adams Papers Digital Edition Browse 卷umes page,为… Diary of John Quincy Adams, 1779-1788.]

Adams, John Quincy. “J. Q. Adams on the Opium War.” Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, October 1909–June, 1910. 卷. 63. Boston: Printed for the Society, 1910, 295-325.

详细介绍约翰·昆西·亚当斯演讲的背景和出版历史, including a transcription of Adams’s manuscript of his lecture.

Christman, Margaret C. S. Adventurous Pursuits: Americans in the China Trade, 1784-1844. 华盛顿:国家肖像画廊,史密森学会出版社,1984年.

Crossman, Carl L. The China Trade: Export Paintings, Furniture, Silver & Other Objects. Princeton: The Pyne Press, 1972.

Dolin, Eric Jay. 《当美国第一次遇见中国:航海时代茶叶、毒品和金钱的异域历史. New York: Liveright, 2012.

Layton, Thomas N. The Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants in the Opium Trade. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997.


Lovell, Julia. Drugs, Dreams and the Making of China. New York: The Overlook Press, 2014.


Platt, Stephen R. Imperial Twilight: The Opium War and the End of China’s Last Golden Age. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2018.

普拉特以亚当斯的“非凡”演讲结束了他最近对鸦片战争的研究, noting that because of his prominence, 亚当斯在公众(支持英国人)眼中的“绝对异端”后来“经常被误认为代表了大多数美国人的观点”.”

Tsang, Steve. A Modern History of Hong Kong. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.

Wilkinson, Endymion. Chinese History: A New Manual. Fifth Edition. Endymion Wilkinson, 2018.

Wong, John. Global Trade in the Nineteenth Century: the House of Houqua and the Canton System. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2016.